Oral hygiene is the process of regular dental care by keeping the teeth and gums clean, fresh, and safe from bacteria. This can be easily achieved by regularly brushing and flossing your teeth. Oral hygiene can be practiced both at home and through a professional. However, the ideal way of oral hygiene is through a professional clinic. Most people have a misconception that dental clinics are a waste of time whereas they are a necessity to a healthy lifestyle and a fresh smile. Preventative care is always better than emergency care and costs less.
People often pay greater attention towards their self-hygiene and surroundings. They perform regular skin care and hair care routines. However, people miss out the most important part of their body which is the gum and teeth.

Most people consider it expensive and useless. What people fail to understand that regular oral hygiene is as important as washing hands, especially in covid-19 induced pandemic to maintain a healthy regime. Regular oral hygiene helps keep bacteria away hence keeps the mouth save from diseases and infections such as gum disease, tooth decay, tooth loss, and bad breath. Oral hygiene is also linked with other diseases such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and many more.
It is simple and easy to maintain dental hygiene; all you have to do is pay attention and treat them with care. The emphasis are on sleeping with a clean and fresh mouth as when we sleep our mouth stays shut for hours, less mucus is produced hence less bacteria is absorbed and broken down therefore more bacteria can attach to your teeth and gums damaging them.
Brush your teeth two times a day, especially before going to bed. Floss your teeth regularly at least once a day before going sleep. Brush your teeth after having sugary food and frizzy drinks. Replace your toothbrush regularly and always use a fresh toothbrush. Use a toothbrush that you feel is ideal for you; don’t use a hard brush if your gums are weak as it might damage your teeth. Use mouth wash at least once a day to ensure fresh breath and clean teeth.
Ideal Smile Dentistry
Ideal Smile Dentistry is a dentistry clinic based in Lahore, Pakistan. We offer a wide variety of services regarding teeth care, gum care, teeth repair, gum repair, and regular hygiene. We offer affordable services at an ease to the customers. We employ advanced doctors with proper training and tremendous skills. We value our customers; their opinions and health therefore hold a co-operative attitude towards their customers. We sterilize all their equipment and sanitize the area regularly to ensure a COVID free experience for their customers.
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